Repentance- simple, but painful
The word repent basically means to turn from sin and turn to God. Often times we confuse repentance with simply feeling guilty or saying I'm sorry, but that is only a part of it. We must do more than be sorry, we must make painful, real, sacrificial choices to remove sinful influences from our lives.
The bible tells us to "produce fruit in keeping with repentance". In other words, don't just say "I'm sorry"; make choices in your life that show you're sorry.
I remember on a youth trip a couple years ago, one girl was convicted by the Holy Spirit about the music she was listening to. So that night, instead of just saying "I'm sorry God, I'll never do it again", she went to her room and broke every one of her bad cd's. She made a painful, real, and sacrificial choice to turn from sin and turn to God.
If we're going to go to the next level in God, we've got to prepare the way with true repentance.
Love you all, Pastor Danny
The bible tells us to "produce fruit in keeping with repentance". In other words, don't just say "I'm sorry"; make choices in your life that show you're sorry.
I remember on a youth trip a couple years ago, one girl was convicted by the Holy Spirit about the music she was listening to. So that night, instead of just saying "I'm sorry God, I'll never do it again", she went to her room and broke every one of her bad cd's. She made a painful, real, and sacrificial choice to turn from sin and turn to God.
If we're going to go to the next level in God, we've got to prepare the way with true repentance.
Love you all, Pastor Danny
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