Tuesday, January 02, 2007


A new year, new hopes, new dreams. Ever year it seems we have a new opportunity to start fresh again- to leave behind our failures and letdowns and begin a new era of hope. Some of us vowed to lose weight in 2006, but it didn't happen. Others dreamed of being the best Halo player in the city- sorry. Whatever regrets we hold, our society views New Year's as the time to start over.

In Christ, we've got something better than New Year's. We've got New Days, every day. The bible says that God's mercies are made new every morning. That means everyday we've got a fresh start in God's eyes. No matter how bad you failed, no matter how shameful or painful yesterday was, today is a brand new start. God can pick us up, wash us clean, and give us a new hope everyday.

Praise God for his mercies!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

pastor danny i agree all the way wit u about this tht crhist and his king will make us a new person every year

thnks beanz (computer worker)

2:31 PM  

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