Free t-shirt blogger
Hey everybody, here's a chance to win a free t-shirt. The 5 best and most genuine commenters will win. Make sure you include your name. Here's the question:
What would you like to see happen in Lifehouse in 2007? What kind of trips and outings would you like to go on? What changes would you like Pastor Danny and the leadership team to make to the Lifehouse Services?
Have fun- Pastor Danny
hey zack attack nice blogg and keep up the good hard work form leadership
What would you like to see happen in Lifehouse in 2007? i would like to see god change alot of people in lifehouse and help everyone who needs help
What kind of trips and outings would you like to go on? i cant wait on spring break to go to fuel but i would like to go back to the trinity rescue mission and have fun
What changes would you like Pastor Danny and the leadership team to make to the Lifehouse Services? i would like u to fix the fuzzy t.v because it messes me up when im trying to follow the singer
beanz (computer worker)
I would like to see people get saved and have Jesus in their lives. The trips and outings I would like to go to countries that have places where there are nobody that has Jesus in their hearts. I would like to build churches for these people. The changes I would like Pastor Danny and the leadership team to make is for one, make everybody come up to the altar and worship God. No matter waht they want to do .
hmm... what would I like to see happen in lifehouse?? Well it would be pretty awesome to see everyone in praise and worship time actually taking part in it !!!!
that would be amazing !! it would also be awesome to go on little trips!! like chik conferences!!!!! i went to the last one !! it was amazing !!! it really got me to think about things!! Also, last but not least..... Go to some concerts .. christian rock!! the Murrayhill theatre .. I have been .. it was amazing !! anyways.. i'm not putting my name,.... just putting what changes i would like to see sometime ... Life House is absolutely amazing! and Pastor Danny gets up there and preaches the word even when people disrespects him!
anyways Ive seen the difference between how LifeHouse was and now that the certain groups or friends dont come.. there's been alot of DRAMA lately ! but i'm praying for LifeHouse!! and praying wil change it ! ! !! I have faith !
love always, Anonymous.
i hope GOd will do mircules seaouriously i hope that all will be worshiping God not careing about anybody but just worshiping
Happen in 2007: I would love to see everyone worshipping shamelessly, not worrying about who's around you. It's not a game or a joke. "God is a spirit and those who worship Him should worship Him in spirit and in truth." He knows everything, especially when we're not taking Him serious.
Trips and Outings: First, New Orleans was such an awesome trip because we got to go help those who needed us. My favorite part was seeing people smile when God used us to bless them. I hope we get to go somewhere and bless people again instead of just going somewhere for ourselves.
Changes: I think Pastor Danny and leadership have been doing a great job cracking down on people who only come to disrupt our services. It's important to me so I can have the full impact of the message. I would rather hear the whole word instead of just part of it because somebody thinks they're being "cool". Jesus is way cooler than their nonsense.
Fun: We are in middle school and Life House should be fun, but you have to know the difference of when to play and when to be serious.
The Mckiester (Corey)
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