Friday, March 23, 2007

Fuel 'er up

In my years as a student in youth ministry and a pastor in youth ministry, I've seen and experienced my share of spiritual roller coasters.

As a teenager, I remember going to trips like Fuel, coming back all fired up for God, and then in 3 weeks I'd fall right back into the same sinful and complacent ruts. As a pastor, I've come back from trips like Fuel and have been so excited about the Revival I was sure was about to break out, and then I'd helplessly watch as the fire burned out in students lives.

So what's going to stop this endless cycle of growing closer to God, and then backsliding away from God? The answer is FUEL.

By Fuel, I don't mean the trip we just went on. I mean sacrificial obedience. Common sense tells you that when you stop putting fuel on an actual physical fire, soon the fire will die out. In a spiritual sense, when we stop putting fuel on the altar of God in our lives, soon the fire will go out.

So to hopefully start a discussion, I ask this: "What is some Fuel you are going to put on the altar of God in your life?"

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Purity 2-22-07

Last night's service was Awesome! I'm so proud of you who declared "I'm going to stay sexually pure". I promise you, this is the best decision you can make, other than accepting Christ. When it's tough, you're tempted, or someone makes fun of you, remember the night when 40 teenagers stood up with you and made a promise. You are not alone on this. We're praying for you and we believe in you.

Also, remember the diet cola bottle illustration. Don't give out sips. Save it all for your future husband or wife.

Love ya'll,
Pastor Danny

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Repentance- simple, but painful

The word repent basically means to turn from sin and turn to God. Often times we confuse repentance with simply feeling guilty or saying I'm sorry, but that is only a part of it. We must do more than be sorry, we must make painful, real, sacrificial choices to remove sinful influences from our lives.

The bible tells us to "produce fruit in keeping with repentance". In other words, don't just say "I'm sorry"; make choices in your life that show you're sorry.

I remember on a youth trip a couple years ago, one girl was convicted by the Holy Spirit about the music she was listening to. So that night, instead of just saying "I'm sorry God, I'll never do it again", she went to her room and broke every one of her bad cd's. She made a painful, real, and sacrificial choice to turn from sin and turn to God.

If we're going to go to the next level in God, we've got to prepare the way with true repentance.

Love you all, Pastor Danny

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

If you ain't helping, you're hurting

I preached it Wed night. Lifehouse is NOT full of trouble-makers. There's just a small group who purposely cause trouble. However, Lifehouse IS full of young men and women of God who need to step up and make a true commitment to the cause. The bible says in Proverbs, "He who is slack in his work is brother to he who destroys". Applying that scripture to our ministry right now, I believe God might be saying this- "You can get angry and point our fingers at the trouble makers; You can blame them for ruining our services; or you can realize that you yourself are partly to blame. If you're lazy, uninvolved, and complacent you're just as bad as the trouble makers. If you're not helping Lifehouse, you're hurting it."

Students, I believe in you, and more importantly, I believe in the power of God to change lives. God is faithful and able to do more than we could ever imagine! But it starts with us on our knees seeking Him. It starts when we get real and get desperate for a move of God.

I'm desperate. If he doesn't show up, I don't know what's going to happen. I need him more in my life than ever before. Are you with me? Are you going to follow?

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Luke 17:7 "Suppose one of you had a servant plowing or looking after the sheep. Would he say to the servant when he comes in from the field, 'Come along now and sit down to eat'? 8 Would he not rather say, 'Prepare my supper, get yourself ready and wait on me while I eat and drink; after that you may eat and drink'? 9 Would he thank the servant because he did what he was told to do? 10 So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.'"

It feels good to get a pat on the back when we do something good, doesn't it? However, sometimes in life when you choose to do the right thing nobody seems to notice. We go out of our way to help someone, and we don't get even a "thank you." However, in this short parable Jesus reminds us that we are simply servants. We don't do good deeds to get praise from men, we must simply remember that we exist to honor and serve God. One day we will get our reward. One day we will receive our crowns that Jesus promised- but in that day we'll realize how truly unworthy we are compared to God.

Love you guys- Pastor Danny

Friday, January 05, 2007

Get outta the "I"-chair in 2007

One of the worst attitudes we can have as Christians is to be self-centered. When we focus on what "I" want to do and what "I" feel like, it takes the focus off of God. Church is not about what I want, it's about what God wants. Christianity is not about just taking care of my needs, it's about laying down my desires to serve Christ and those around us.

My prayer for 2007 is that Lifehouse will be a youth church marked by a servant's heart. That we'd truly "deny ourselves and pick up our crosses and follow Jesus daily".

-Pastor Danny

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


A new year, new hopes, new dreams. Ever year it seems we have a new opportunity to start fresh again- to leave behind our failures and letdowns and begin a new era of hope. Some of us vowed to lose weight in 2006, but it didn't happen. Others dreamed of being the best Halo player in the city- sorry. Whatever regrets we hold, our society views New Year's as the time to start over.

In Christ, we've got something better than New Year's. We've got New Days, every day. The bible says that God's mercies are made new every morning. That means everyday we've got a fresh start in God's eyes. No matter how bad you failed, no matter how shameful or painful yesterday was, today is a brand new start. God can pick us up, wash us clean, and give us a new hope everyday.

Praise God for his mercies!